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Crises - The Problem and The Solution

World Crises as a Call of Love

What inner environment may fosters resilience in facing global crises?


Why are crises a call to wake up, a call of love?


How can we meet horrific disasters with compassion?


What are the gifts under the rubble?


In this experiential webinar we will explore these questions

We will connect to resources and our true and faithful allies. 


If the event of this difficult period meets you in 


High vulnerability

Waves of emotions

Sides taking




Wish for Peace


Let's turn these into capacity building, Into inner mediation

 healing past, present and futureinto Wholeness.

I invite you to join me on this free online talk and practice event

on the 14/1/2024

20:00 Jerusalem 19:00 CET 18:00 UK

Our call will last 90 min


This rawness opens a a direct portal for our inner work.

Inner spiritual healing work

reveals to us our inner strength.

It expands our molecules. 

our bandwidth to witness, to heal, to integrate.


Meeting a closed heart with an open heart

Is Indeed the only way to cultivate Peace

Abstract Lights

Each one a small light. Together we are bright.

" I really see no other solution than to turn inward and root out all the rottenness there.

I no longer believe that we can change anything in the world until we have first changed ourselves.

And that seems to me the only lesson to be learned from this war.

That we must look into ourselves and nowhere else."

- Etty Hillesum -

Idit Rose

Is a trauma informed facilitator and healer who supports individuals, groups, and organisations who focus on healing and development, Establishing a sense of safety, cultivating resilience and leadership.


Idit founded the OneBody approach, which uses embodiment practices, embodied spirituality, trauma-informed practices, Theory U as well as Sociocracy which she has been working with for over a decade. 


As a facilitator and healer, Idit Rose brings a wealth of embodied knowledge and experience to help others grow and flourish in a safe and nurturing environment.


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